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- Short: A fun configureable bot
- Author: amiga@ticon.net (Andrew Drays)
- uploader: amiga@ticon.net (Andrew Drays)
- Version: 1.0
- Type: comm/irc
- WebPage: http://www.ticon.net/~amiga
- --------------
- Description:
- --------------
- Welcome to The world of OrionBOT.. the preceeding work of OrionIRC...
- OrionBot is a Bot to kind of take care of a channel.. and it not too
- complex right now, as it's in it's infancy, but has been growing steadily
- from a teeny little program to show how to use TCP, to what it is today..
- Written in BlitzBasic ..
- -----------
- Shareware
- -----------
- Yes, I'm asking for money.. $5.. and you'll get a personalized version
- and all future updates..
- and you'll be making an investment into all my future developments..
- OrionIRC - IRC program with Orionbot built in...
- OrionIRCDaemon .. IRC server Daemon with OrionBot built in..
- I will deduct the $5 towards the other programs if your already a
- registered OrionBot user.. so they'll be $5 less if your interested..
- if you use this program regularly,
- Please send $5 to:
- Bit Plane Software
- c/o Andrew Drays
- 2624 King Street
- Janesville, WI
- 53546
- --------------
- Requirements
- --------------
- As far as I know,
- any Amiga running a TCP stack with Miami or AmiTCP equivelant TCP stack
- ECS Chipset
- "bsdsocket.library"
- Your memory requirements will rise as more random lines and greetings you
- have..
- ----------
- Features
- ----------
- Easy to configure
- Fast Response
- AI - Simple but fun (uses an old ELIZA routine!)
- Random Text display
- Random Sleep timer
- Random Greetings
- Multi User Access
- Text Encryption
- --------------
- Legal Stuff:
- --------------
- if you run it.. and it blows up your computer.. it's your problem, not
- mine.. I designed it to be a simple bot.. not a virus.. don't bother suing
- me for any damages..
- I will attempt to fix any minor problems in my program that may arise from
- the use of my program..
- --------------
- Installation
- --------------
- It needs the TOSFONTS in the FONTS: dir.. otherwise, all the rest of the
- files need to reside in the same directory the program is in..
- ------------------
- Options & Config
- ------------------
- the bot is pretty self sufficient.. and will run by itself without any
- files, but there are some config files you may wish to have setup..
- "bot.cfg"
- ---- beginning of file .. snip here ..
- #OrionBot
- newyork.ny.us.undernet.org
- OrionToB
- This is not me!
- greet.cfg
- access.cfg
- command.menu
- onelines.bot
- @
- 20
- 4
- 2
- ----- end of file .. snip here ..
- Line# . Explanation
- 1. default channel name on login
- 2. default server to connect to
- 3. Bot's default nickname
- 4. your bot's "realname" info.. can be left as blank line
- 5. greeting file to use for joining a channel
- 6. MultiUser Access File
- 7. your "commands" menu filename config
- 8. your random lines text file
- 9. your command prefix character (only 1)
- 10. How Many lines pass for each random outburst
- 11. Text display color
- 12. OrionBot test & timer switch
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------
- Options in Detail
- -------------------
- 1. When the bot goes into the IRC it needs to be in a channel, so it can be
- useful.. it can go into just about any channel, since the bot uses your
- IP, it can go into any channel you can.. this is granting your not banned
- or anything..
- Default: #testbot
- ** Future revisions will have a File name and a selectable list that you
- pre-set for the bot to be in, possibly multiple channels..
- ----
- 2. server option goes the same as a channel option, but most Servers notice
- that your IP is on thier server already so try not to have the bot go
- on the same server your IRC program is logged onto already.. I've made
- error traps so the bot will quit if it runs into any problems..
- default: us.undernet.org
- ----
- ** As with the Channel option I plan on having a configureable server file
- that the bot will use for you to quickly select servers, as of now you
- need to edit the cfg file to change them, sorry..
- ----
- 3. Obviously the nickname you choose for your bot.. be careful that you
- choose an ORIGINAL nickname! I have yet to incorporate an error trap for
- a duplicate nick! and some servers will not accept a nickname with "bot"
- anywhere in it..
- default: OrionBot
- ----
- 4. This is the information displayed in the "/whois" infor for it's
- realname, you can be as creative as you want and as wild for this, or
- you can leave it blank, if you leave the line blank it will simply
- display the Bot's version and owner information
- default: - realname?!
- ----
- 5. This little diddy is kinda neet.. whenever OrionBot goes into a channel
- it'll pop up a random greeting from whatever file you designate,
- granting it's less then 80 characters.. the file limit is 100 lines..
- default: greet.cfg
- ----
- 6. This is the file that is a relief to many of my beta testers, and a
- godsend to myself, also.. the multiuser access file.. it contains 3
- simple lines..
- Nick 1 . whatever your nick is
- password 1 . your password
- access 2 . anything from 10 to 99 .. it don't care
- nick 2 . a friends nick
- password 2 . his password
- access 2 . his access below 10?
- nick 3
- etc..
- each line set up in a way so that more then one person can access the
- bot and it's abilities..the people you give access to your bot know to
- off "offme" thier access when thier done for the day so other people
- don't log on with thier nick and use thier access..
- access levels are hard coded as of this version.. maybe later it'll be
- different.. level 1 to 99.. as shown in the commands menu..
- ** Future Versions will contain IP security ..
- default: access.cfg
- ----
- 7. you might wanna leave this file alone.. it can have upto 50 lines of text
- 80 characters wide... and have it display any way you wish.. never
- versions will have configureable access levels per command so to keep
- yourself from haveing to re-write thsi file later.. just leave it be..
- the longer you make it the longer it takes to display..
- ** I built a display delay timer into OrionBot to keep it from flooding
- out.. although it can display 50 lines.. I suggest you keep it to
- under 20.. I may lower this in the future anyways..
- default: command.menu
- ----
- 8. this is the file name that you use for the bot to spit out random
- text.. one liners basicly.. I use an old taglines file, myself..
- the file line limit is 5000 lines.. granting you have enough memory for
- THAT many lines..
- default: oneline.bot
- ----
- 9. your command prefix character.. the program will only read 1 character
- from this line so you can't have multiple command headers.. I.e. $% or
- anything like that, sorry..
- default: -
- ----
- 10. This defines how many line go by in the IRC, that the BOT sees that
- someone with an IP said something, before it splurts out some nonsense
- from it's oneline file.. if you want to turn this option off just put
- a "-1" in this line.. and it won't blurb anything out, but the "random"
- option will still be active..
- default: 20
- ----
- 11.?This is the option to choose what color your text will display at.. use
- the *test mode* to have a display of all the colors available..
- default: 2
- ----
- 12. This is an actual Switch that controls 2 functions.. testmode and
- random sleep timer.. it will accept one of three numbers for it's
- arguments.. if it's not one of the three numbers.. it defaults to 0..
- 0 turns off sleep timer and test mode
- 1 turns on test mode
- 2 turns on sleep timer
- 0 is self explanitory after 1 and 2 are explained
- 1 this is a test mode for the bot, you need not run your TCP stack to
- use this option, as it doesn't access IRC when this is on..
- Test mode is something I made for myself, but I figure it might come
- in handy for other people to use if they're encountering a problem
- with orionbot.. it access all the data files on the system, and
- displays what is in them, prompting the for use input on each file
- for verbosity.. you may not want it to display all 200+ lines of your
- random file.. so you can see where potential errors may be on why
- OrionBot is messing up for bug reports..
- it also diplays all the colors to oyu can pick which color you want
- displayed in option #13..
- 2 if there's no activity in a channel for about 30 seconds the bot will
- pipe up with "random".. maybe to spark someone to talk about the
- funny line that came up and get conversation going.. thus waking up
- "sleepers"..
- ---------------
- Command Menu:
- ---------------
- * future options? (only with support!)
- - Level 99 - bye, raw, goto, *set, say, ncrypt
- - Level 10 - *addnick, *remnick, op, dop, opme, kick
- - Level 1 - say, *tryme, offme
- - None - version, VERSION, random, users, commands, pass
- raw . Send raw data to the server <only if you KNOW>
- bye . quit the bot via IRC
- set * change a certain setting on the bot
- addnick * add a person to the access list
- remnick * remove a person form the access list
- say . say something to the channel it's in..
- goto . go to a channel
- opme . if the bot is an op.. to have it op you
- op <nick> . " .. to have it op <nick>
- dop <nick> . " .. have it deop <nick>
- ncrypt <?> . have it encrypt text (don't do it if it annoys others)
- commands . menu of available commands
- owner <nick> . transfer ownership fo the bot so someone else
- random . do a random oneliner
- pass <pass> . turn on bot access if your on the user list via password
- offme . turn off your access
- tryme * random oneliner to person then random kick choice
- I wouldn't suggest using this bot as a channel monitor quite yet.. it COULD
- be used as one but, it has flaws..
- at current it only uses a nickname as an identifier.. if someone has
- your nickname, and password they can access it.. or if you leave the
- channel, or ping out of a channel, your access is still acitvated, a person
- could easily take over your channel.. it doesn't have a routine to
- deactivate a person leaving a channel yet.. my to do list is pretty
- extensive, with security procedures at the top.. this is meant as a bot
- for fun...
- Enjoy!
- -----
- -----
- The Gui For the Bot isn't very complex... for futue concepts and ideas, the
- bot opens on it's own 16 color screen.. there's a 3 options in the pull
- down menu.. CLI, ABOUT, and QUIT.. all I think are self explanitory and
- easy to use..
- --------
- Future
- --------
- As Stealth put it.. "Frills" ... Games like Trivia.. maybe tic tac toe.. ..
- whatever I can find in a "basic" that's text based for me to convert..
- ------------------------------------
- Problems and Bug Reports and IDEAS
- ------------------------------------
- Simply E-mail me with the problem.. but before ya go doing that, be sure to
- take a look at the "Bot.log" on your system.. it will have a detailed list
- of server to bot activity..
- be sure to send this file with the bot problem information...
- --------
- Thanks
- --------
- Many Special thanx to my good Friends in #amirc!
- (Listed in Alphabetical order)
- Cav
- Funkman (beta Tester)
- Grog
- Stealth (beta tester)
- Zonkerz
- People from Blitz list!
- Paul Burkey for the code to work from...
- ----------------------
- Progress & Versions:
- ----------------------
- I feel confident that I have a higher level bot with complete
- functionality and working comfortable setup, it is Version 1.0..
- my ultimate goal is to turn this BOT into an IRC program with a
- full featured bot built in..
- you can keep up on my progress and versions and log on my webpage..
- (if I ever update it!)
- V.01 to V.06b
- a simple bot not TOO far from the original bot I started
- with.. added configurability, and a few functions.. and instead of using
- the "/" I made it use "-" .. added VERSION, -op & -say .. fixed a bug on
- PING timeouts and server errors.. added verbosity on, config loading and
- server connections..
- V.07
- added -owner
- V.10
- Added -ncrypt and -commands
- V.10a
- used a new version of TCPfuncts for optimized and fixed TCP functions..
- v.11
- Made GUI and windows.. to quit if a person lost a server..
- Can now be launched from workbench!
- V.12
- Fixed a bug that made it so it would wait for an intuition event before it
- would do anything..
- V1.0
- Kick ass intro.. I stole the code from an example.. but it works.. ;)
- "About" Bug Fixed!
- On 16 color Screen
- Encryption fixed
- password option fixed (DAMN! figures! just in time to take it out!!)
- randomized all over
- etc.. etc.. etc..
- -------------
- Known Bugs!
- -------------
- - 40 character cutoff bug!?!
- ----------------------------------------------------------